What are people saying?
I used the exam prep guide and online tests to study for the Series 50 exam. I relied completely on these study helps to prepare for the exam, which I passed!
Elizabeth Hill, Bright Bay Advisors, LLC, Long Beach, NY
I prepared for the Series 50 (Municipal Advisor) exam using your materials and was extremely satisfied. Having the materials in multiple written and audio formats provided a lot of flexibility in where and when I could study. The scope of the Series 50 exam is so broad that even very experienced individuals would benefit by this type of preparatory course. I highly recommend this product.
Derek Morse, Morse Associates Consulting, LLC, Reno, NV
Your study material laid a great foundation in my understanding of the tested material and was instrumental in my passing the Series 50.
Steven Scharff, Springsted Incorporated, Saint Paul, MN
Jeremy and Tim were extremely helpful in helping me get through some of the tricky parts of the Series 50 exam. Your customer service was top notch and I would highly recommend Solomon to anyone sitting for this test.
Joe M, MBS, Inc, Atlanta, GA
Solomon Exam prep did a great job helping me prepare for the Series 50. The exam simulator was excellent and I felt so prepared during the exam!
Amber Nielsen, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors. Mishawaka, IN
I just passed the Series 50 exam! Yay! The Solomon Exam Prep materials are excellent. I utilized the guide book, on-line lecture, on-line course, on-line study guide and quizzes. The "Ask the Professor" feature was very helpful as well. I highly recommend their resources.
Lori Volz, Baker Tilly, Minneapolis, MN
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