What are people saying?
I passed the test [the Series 65] with flying colors. Your study material, particularly the book and the online exams were the difference maker. Other individuals in my firm used exam prep courses from other companies and unfortunately did not pass the exam. I am confident in saying that these materials were the difference maker. Thank you for creating such a great product. Everyone in my firm will use your simulators going forward.
Chris T. Chambers, Senior Partner, My Harvest Field, Inc., Clearwater, FL
I had my licenses but I let them lapse after I sold my firm. Now we're starting a new firm and I needed a refresher and studied your book and used the exam simulator. I passed the Series 65 and your materials were a big help. Now I am back for the Series 7 and I want your book, audio book and exam simulator. Thanks for an excellent product.
Jason Luquire Pawleys Island, SC
I just passed my Series 65 exam yesterday!! Your study material was awesome! Unfortunately, they only provided pass/fail and no specific grade because I wanted to know how well I did. Thanks so much!
Cheryl Fluker, Members Advisory Group, Williamsville, NY
I passed the 63 and 65 the practice questions are much more difficult than the actual exam. I would recommend this program to anyone who needs to be challenged and wants to pass the first time out.
David Lewis, Northwestern Mutual, New York, NY
I passed the series 65 on my first attempt, thanks to the online quizzes & exams! The instant rationale feedback option really helped me think through the concepts. I highly recommend your testing material!
I passed the exam (Series 65) on the first try only using your study prep. Worked great for me!
Michael Carmody Brentwood, TN
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