What are people saying?
Within a few months, I passed the SIE, Series 7, 63, 65, & 79 exams all on the first try using Solomon Exam Prep. This material will prepare you for the actual exam. I will say in many instances the practice exams are more difficult than the actual exam. Solomon and the various tracking metrics will more than help you prepare for the rigors of exam day. I highly recommend the practice exams and ability to dive back in to review weak areas. I will continue to use their products and services in the future.
Andrew Ezzat, Bank of America. Tampa, FL.
I did so many
practice exams with Solomon and never saw one question twice. The quality of
study material is thorough, with a touch of humor, and gives it to you in many
formats (visual both on the computer or in book format if you wish), as well as
audio that you can listen to in the car, as well as the benefit of videos of
actual lectures from professors. I felt as though getting the information in
all those formats allowed me to really grasp the information using different
senses and facilitated the learning process even further.
Stacey Sperry, Durham, NC
I just passed the Series 65 exam – thanks, Jeremy! Your excellent and enjoyable book and challenging practice exams-and-quizzes were my only resources. This exam kicked my butt, but I was able to accomplish the only essential task – simply "to pass" – because of the thoroughness (and the plain English and occasional humor) of these two essential test prep materials. Here's my warning -- don't underestimate the difficulty of this exam! I highly recommend that fellow Series 65'ers keep taking the practice exams and quizzes until they can comfortably get a score of 80+ before scheduling their exam; you need to go into the exam room with the confidence that this crucial simulated test-taking experience will provide. I'm so grateful for your help!
Jeff Hartnett, Portland, OR
Very good material and well
planned to help you pass the first time (Series 65). The audio tape
structure is easy to listen to along with the reading material. Clear and
to the point. Nothing dry about your material. Thank you. Highly recommend.
Carlos Acosta, GoldBox Wealth, San Antonio, TX
I passed the test [the Series 65] with flying colors. Your study material, particularly the book and the online exams were the difference maker. Other individuals in my firm used exam prep courses from other companies and unfortunately did not pass the exam. I am confident in saying that these materials were the difference maker. Thank you for creating such a great product. Everyone in my firm will use your simulators going forward.
Chris T. Chambers, Senior Partner, My Harvest Field, Inc., Clearwater, FL
I passed my Series 65 today with an 80, first effort! Not only was the material well laid out, but if it's possible, the Solomon prep made the material palatable and understandable. Amazing!!! I have used Kaplan in the past as well as STC, which are both very good, but I chose Solomon because it had audio downloads. With an hour commute, I was able to study during that otherwise wasted time. Additionally, the "Ask the Professor" and live chat features were excellent!! Questions were answered virtually immediately by personal email and the author/owner Jeremy Solomon actually called me to help me and cheer me on! I didn't think this kind of customer service and general human kindness existed anymore. He even asked me to let him know personally my results which, thanks to this program, I am on the other side of this very difficult exam. Thank you Solomon Exam Prep!!!!!
Carol K. Gallagher
Upstate New York
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