What are people saying?
I'm an auditory learner. Ordering the audio files was most helpful and I passed today with no worries.
Michael Freemire, Cambridge Advisors, Englewood, CO
I just passed the Series 65 exam – thanks, Jeremy! Your excellent and enjoyable book and challenging practice exams-and-quizzes were my only resources. This exam kicked my butt, but I was able to accomplish the only essential task – simply "to pass" – because of the thoroughness (and the plain English and occasional humor) of these two essential test prep materials. Here's my warning -- don't underestimate the difficulty of this exam! I highly recommend that fellow Series 65'ers keep taking the practice exams and quizzes until they can comfortably get a score of 80+ before scheduling their exam; you need to go into the exam room with the confidence that this crucial simulated test-taking experience will provide. I'm so grateful for your help!
Jeff Hartnett, Portland, OR
I passed the Series 65 on the first try and I would absolutely give credit to this tool. We all learn in vastly different ways, so having the options available for a study guide, audiobook, video training, flash cards, practice tests - and ALL of the other resources available was critical to my success. I've been out of school for over a decade and remembering HOW to study was hard. I'm so glad I had all of these options.
Ashley Dunning, Inspire Investing. Kansas City, MO
I passed the series 65 on my first attempt, thanks to the online quizzes & exams! The instant rationale feedback option really helped me think through the concepts. I highly recommend your testing material!
Thank you Solomon, 87% on the series 65. I thought I was nervous showing up to the exam, but the material was well above par.
thanks again
Matt Callahan
My name is Michael Urbanski, CPA and I was able to pass the Series 65 exam on my first attempt. For me, I like to study from all the credible resources I can find. Using exam simulators and exposing yourself to as many sample exam questions helps to learn how an exam is written. I would recommend using these materials to help YOU pass the exams you chose to sit for.
Michael Urbanski, CPA Toledo, OH
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