What are people saying?
I finally passed the Series 65! I’m writing today to send you a very sincere Thank you for all the professional support and emotional guidance you have provided. I was emotionally beat up and almost ready to give in on my endeavor of passing the Series 65 and becoming an Investment Advisor Firm.
After becoming unemployed and having a tremendous time focusing on the study material, you provided additional months and material access for no additional Fee! You also mentioned I should be able to teach the material and then I’ll be ready for the exam. By the gracious caring and professional sharing of your wisdom, it provided me to find my path to passing the Series 65!
The three items that really helped was to Study like I’m going to teach it, memorizing and learn by over studying, and getting plenty of sleep and rest.
Thank you to you, your family, and pro team for all you have done. I am very blessed and humbled to have met you all in this challenging time of my life. Happy Holidays, and Have a Safe and Happy New Year!
Michael Jones. Kansas City, MO
I recently passed the Series 65 exam, really recommend this study material. I used other vendors before with no success; this is the best in the market. Thanks so much!
Mauricio Reyes. Boca Raton, FL
The material and
website were very well organized and thorough. I felt I was prepared for the
actual, real test when I took it because I had gone through their range of
questions with all the practice tests that I could do on their website,
covering every topic, approached with different angles.
Stacey Sperry, Durham, NC
I could not be
happier with Solomon Exam Prep and I am so glad I found it. I had
taken this test prior and wasn't able to pass. After utilizing
the Total Study Package for the Series 65, including the book, audiobook, summary videos and practice tests, I felt very confident clicking the
submit button at the end of the test. I would highly recommend Solomon
Exam Prep to pass your upcoming test.
Dane Urista, Vincent Asset Management, Eden Prairie, MN
I used Solomon to prep for my Series 65 exam. I was extremely impressed with how prepared I was for the actual exam! After reviewing the chapter material and taking 7-10 quizzes for each chapter, I was scoring around a 75 average on the practice exams, I wasn't sure that would be enough to pass. However, on exam day I felt extremely confident with the material, and I passed the 65 on my first attempt with about 45 minutes to spare. Extremely satisfied with how Solomon teaches the material to truly make it stick, and also with the progress statistics that they show you, so you know what to work on. I would 100% recommend it to anyone trying to pass their Series exams!
Landry Mead, Goldman Sachs Ayco Personal Financial Management. Dallas, TX
My name is Michael Urbanski, CPA and I was able to pass the Series 65 exam on my first attempt. For me, I like to study from all the credible resources I can find. Using exam simulators and exposing yourself to as many sample exam questions helps to learn how an exam is written. I would recommend using these materials to help YOU pass the exams you chose to sit for.
Michael Urbanski, CPA Toledo, OH
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