What are people saying?
I successfully passed the series 66 test yesterday! I could honestly say it was one of the happiest days of my life! I want to personally thank the excellent staff at Solomon exam prep! They are so knowledgeable and when I asked questions, they always went over the top with explanations and even sometimes creating charts for me to break down the concept. I felt really well served by this group.
If you are looking for a company to help you succeed, you have found it Within Solomon exam prep team!
Shirley Antonini. Schuylkill Haven, PA
After hearing horror stories about people struggling and in some cases failing the Series 66, after easily passing the series 7, I invested in both the Series 66 audio book and the Series 66 on-line tests. I passed my Series 66 exam with an 87%!
Mardee Formales, Wells Fargo, San Diego, CA
I passed my Series 66, 1st try. Your audiobook was the game changer for me. Thank you!
S Stephens, Merrill Lynch. Orlando, FL
I just passed the Series 66 exam and found that the Solomon Exam Prep materials are the way to go when preparing for this exam. The advice given from the get-go is spot on; if you think you can cram for this course, forget it. Use the materials as advised and you'll do well. The format of the practice exams closely simulate the way the questions are presented on the test itself. I had 2 prep materials, Solomon's and another and I honestly believe Solomon's was the one that helped the most.
Julio Revuelta, Wealth Management Firm, Miami, FL
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Having the audio, video lectures (with the printable power-point!) and exam simulator in addition to the book really engages you in the material. It becomes a game! I passed the 66 with an 84%.
Colleen Shelly, PNC Investments, Cleveland, OH
I passed the Series 79, 7, and 66 thanks to your study guides. I scored an 85, 81 and 82, respectively. The exam simulator was highly useful and great preparation. I glossed over material I knew and really prepped topics related to laws and ethics, which these study guides effectively described and tested. I highly recommend Solomon!
Sean M, New York, NY
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