What are people saying?
I just passed the Series 66 exam and found that the Solomon Exam Prep materials are the way to go when preparing for this exam. The advice given from the get-go is spot on; if you think you can cram for this course, forget it. Use the materials as advised and you'll do well. The format of the practice exams closely simulate the way the questions are presented on the test itself. I had 2 prep materials, Solomon's and another and I honestly believe Solomon's was the one that helped the most.
Julio Revuelta, Wealth Management Firm, Miami, FL
The Pass the 66 book/audio series, as well as the timely responses I received from the professor, all led to my success in passing the Series 66. This is a test that must be taken seriously, and does just that.
Jason Abbamonte, Charles Schwab, Naples, FL
Hi Jeremy & Karen, I just passed my 66 today! I'm so thrilled! I had an interruption of my studies a few weeks back due to some distracting issues, but I got back on track, focused hard on the book, the practice quizzes and exams, and I made it! I'm a true believer in the value of your study materials. I'd recommend your firm's materials to anyone that wants to pass the first time they take these really challenging exams. Now I've got my Series 7 and my Series 66, and I did it with the terrific support of this Exam Prep. Thank you for these great study materials.
Howard Silverberg
Karen and Team Solomon, thank you so much for all your support.
Your Series 7 program was easy to understand. The "Ask the Professor"
was invaluable for the Series 66. You are the program of choice for our office.
Kirk, PA
Passed 66 on the first try with flying colors. Solomon materials and advice was spot on. Follow it!
Craig Brand, Capital Financial Services, Nevis, MN
I sat for the Series 66 on March 16th. I got an 85. I give all kudos to Solomon. The study materials were excellent.
William Crull,
Metairie, LA
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