What are people saying?
I passed the Series 63 after using the study materials from Solomon. The practice exam and quizzes were the most amount of help. How the questions are asked really makes a difference. It gets your mind ready for how the exam will phrase the questions. Highly recommend this to anyone taking the Series 6 and/or 63. Great material! Will be returning for the Series 7 in the future.
Joseph DeLoach, WoodmenLife, Eatonton, GA
The Solomon Exam Prep materials (book, audio tapes and
exam simulator) prepared us well for both the Series 79 and 63. It was a
very organized way to deal with the test taking tasks.
Jim Murphy, Belden Hill Partners, New York, NY
Your exam prep is the best! Passed both the 6 and 63 using Solomon and I recommend it to everyone.
Karen, Colorado Springs, CO
I relied on the Solomon Exam Prep materials to pass the Series 79 and 63. The materials are first-rate, especially the practice exams, video lectures, and recommended study plans. The staff members (including the owner) were always responsive and helpful. Thank you, Solomon.
Bob Dale, Austin Dale Group, Austin, TX
This is my fourth time using Solomon's exam materials (Series 99, 7, 63, and now the 24)....and I PASSED once again on my first try. Thank you Solomon- your exam question simulator was extremely helpful!
Kim Schmidt, Elmcore Securities, Las Vegas
After using other exam preps, I settled on Solomon. This material was spot on! If you follow the study guides, read the chapters, watch the videos and listen to the audio, you will pass!! Good Luck! Thank you Solomon!
Celeste Gullo, Allstate Insurance, Glen Head, NY
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