What are people saying?
The manuals make the process of wading through all the material much more enjoyable. Ordinarily, this stuff would not be entertaining to study, but even a serious person like me could be heard laughing out loud occasionally. The on-line testing was very convenient, and being able to refer back to the missed questions was very helpful. Best of all, I passed both the 6 and 63 on the first attempt!
Blaine Burnett, Cascade Financial Advocates, Portland, OR
Thanks to Solomon I was able to pass the SIE, Series 7, and Series 63, great study material if you put the hours in!
Xavier Mata, Cabrera Capital Markets. Chicago, IL
I passed the Series 63 with an 86. Your system rocks!!!
Edward Giaco,
TaxCheck USA Investments
Broadview Heights, OH
Your team did it again. I passed my 63 today, less than two weeks after the 82!!! Your study system is perfect, and your practice questions do an amazing job preparing for the exam. If you're not an investment advisor, feel free to use this testimonial on your website!!!!
Jonathan Livi, Uber Capital Group, Great Neck, NY
Scott MacDonald,
Lee Munder Capital Group,
Boston, MA
Solomon Exam Prep did it again! I passed the Series 63! Now, I'm 3 for 3 - SIE, S6 & S63 - all first try- thanks to the amazing study material! The practice exams are phenomenal!
Candace Chavez, Cetera Investment Services. Wimberley, TX.
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