What are people saying?
The manuals make the process of wading through all the material much more enjoyable. Ordinarily, this stuff would not be entertaining to study, but even a serious person like me could be heard laughing out loud occasionally. The on-line testing was very convenient, and being able to refer back to the missed questions was very helpful. Best of all, I passed both the 6 and 63 on the first attempt!
Blaine Burnett, Cascade Financial Advocates, Portland, OR
Great job with the Series 63 study material. I read the study guide, took notes against it, made flashcards and did tons of online tests just as the material suggested. Following the outline worked and I passed with plenty of room to spare. In particular, being able to access questions online is worlds better than how I remember studying for other exams in the past.
Tom L., Atlanta, GA
Passed the 63 with an 85%. The exam simulator was unbelievably helpful, but still make sure you understand the fundamental concepts and the questions are not always phrased the same way or in the same structure. It was significantly easier as there was some overlap with 79 materials, which I had also previously passed using Solomon materials.
Aaron Lau
I passed the 63 and 65 the practice questions are much more difficult than the actual exam. I would recommend this program to anyone who needs to be challenged and wants to pass the first time out.
David Lewis, Northwestern Mutual, New York, NY
I passed the Series 7 on my first attempt. In fact, five years ago, I also passed both the Series 6 and 63 on my first attempt. In all cases, I used Solomon Exam Prep materials which make sometimes 'dry' topics much more readable. Also, having the option to take an unlimited number of practice tests and receive immediate, thorough feedback was invaluable. I highly recommend them!
Blaine Burnett
Just passed the S63 exam on the second try. The only reason I failed the first time is that I didn't take enough timed practice exams. My advice is to take practice exams until you are blue in the face. I did that this time around and aced the exam. I've now passed both S7 (first try) and S63 with Solomon. Worth every penny.
D. G. Swanagain, New York Life, New York, NY
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