What are people saying?
I passed my 27 and I can't thank you enough for the preparation materials, most importantly the Final Exams. I studied for weeks for this test and buckled down the last two weeks of 6 hour study days. It's a great feeling and I couldn't have done it without you!!!
Amanda Whitney, Great Nation Investment Corporation, Amarillo, TX
Last August 2020 I passed the Series 28 on the first try using your materials. I just wanted to drop in and let you know I passed the Series 27 exam today!! I am so happy today as I took the test in Jan of this year and missed it by 3 points. I switched up my focus and really zoned in the most heavily weighted chapters. This is by far the hardest exam I have taken. Thank you Solomon for your excellent study materials. I'll be back when I pass the next one ;)
Nikita Brown, BMI. Atlanta, GA
I passed my series 6 exam due to the Solomon Exam Prep online material and practice exams. Thank you Jeremy Solomon for personally calling and emailing me some tips/advice!
Kevin Lafleur, WoodmenLife, Ville Platte, LA, Series 6
I used Solomon to sit Series 24 and Series 79, passing with 81% and 88%
respectively. Having looked at other material providers, Solomon stands
out because of their prompt replies to student questions and the completeness
of the answers provided – they are the best out there!
Chris Brice,CFA
Bell Potter
Cantley, Québec, Canada
After using other exam preps, I settled on Solomon. This material was spot on! If you follow the study guides, read the chapters, watch the videos and listen to the audio, you will pass!! Good Luck! Thank you Solomon!
Celeste Gullo, Allstate Insurance, Glen Head, NY
Thank you so much and special thanks to the
product you put out!! I did not know about Solomon a year ago when I took the
Series 7 and I used another company's material. I did not pass the 7 first time
and I was extremely nervous about the 66. However your product was
wonderful and thanks to you guys I passed the 66 on my first try!!! Can't thank you
Maria Raspa,
Merrill Lynch,
Wellesley Hills, MA
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