What are people saying?
I passed my 27 and I can't thank you enough for the preparation materials, most importantly the Final Exams. I studied for weeks for this test and buckled down the last two weeks of 6 hour study days. It's a great feeling and I couldn't have done it without you!!!
Amanda Whitney, Great Nation Investment Corporation, Amarillo, TX
Last August 2020 I passed the Series 28 on the first try using your materials. I just wanted to drop in and let you know I passed the Series 27 exam today!! I am so happy today as I took the test in Jan of this year and missed it by 3 points. I switched up my focus and really zoned in the most heavily weighted chapters. This is by far the hardest exam I have taken. Thank you Solomon for your excellent study materials. I'll be back when I pass the next one ;)
Nikita Brown, BMI. Atlanta, GA
I passed first try on the SIE. Thanks to Solomon! The exam simulator is super helpful for prepping for test day.
William Windham, Solebury. Brooklyn, NY
Passed SIE today! The tools and layout here was instrumental in my success. On to the S7...
Ronald Adams
Northwestern Mutual
Milwaukee, WI
Solomon Exam Prep did it again! I passed the Series 63! Now, I'm 3 for 3 - SIE, S6 & S63 - all first try- thanks to the amazing study material! The practice exams are phenomenal!
Candace Chavez, Cetera Investment Services. Wimberley, TX.
All test from FINRA should never be taken lightly. The Solomon course work and exercise materials prepared me well for the SIE exam of which I passed the first time. I am onto prepping for the Series 79 and will once again use Jeremy Solomon’s resources and program. Thank you, Jeremy, for the outstanding support!
Constantino (Tony) Quintong Jr, Securieon Group. Carmel by the Sea, CA
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