What are people saying?
I passed my 27 and I can't thank you enough for the preparation materials, most importantly the Final Exams. I studied for weeks for this test and buckled down the last two weeks of 6 hour study days. It's a great feeling and I couldn't have done it without you!!!
Amanda Whitney, Great Nation Investment Corporation, Amarillo, TX
Last August 2020 I passed the Series 28 on the first try using your materials. I just wanted to drop in and let you know I passed the Series 27 exam today!! I am so happy today as I took the test in Jan of this year and missed it by 3 points. I switched up my focus and really zoned in the most heavily weighted chapters. This is by far the hardest exam I have taken. Thank you Solomon for your excellent study materials. I'll be back when I pass the next one ;)
Nikita Brown, BMI. Atlanta, GA
Recently passed my Series 22 using the Solomon material. Failed the exam once previously using The Securities Institute of America material. Solomon gave me the tools in order to succeed and pass my exam. I highly recommend this material!
Cole Seelhammer. New Braunfels, TX
Stick to the plan and pass! 4 times in a row, 7, 63, 24 and now 79. You can't beat the Solomon materials.
Eric Altmann
I used Solomon Exam Prep for both the Series 7 and 63. Everyone learns differently, and they have resources for every type of learner. Their practice exams and quizzes push you to be prepared for the most difficult questions, enabling you to be over-prepared (better than the alternative!) for your exam. I received a 93% on the Series 7 and wish the regulators provided a score for the Series 63, but needless to say I passed. If I ever need to take a regulatory exam again, I will look to these guys first.
Suraj P, New York, NY
Solomon exam prep materials are the best! I have passed the SIE, Series 7, and Series 66 in less than 12 months using their materials. Their products are fantastic! The practice exams are excellent, and the probability calculator is spot on. I followed the provided customized study plan and took practice exams (over 20 lol) until my probability calculator was in the green (indicating a higher probability of passing) and the rest is history. There are no shortcuts. You must put in the work and stay disciplined, but the Solomon program WORKS and I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND them to anyone looking for amazing, comprehensive study materials to prepare for industry examinations.
Brandon Collins, Benchmark. Memphis, TN
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