What are people saying?
I passed the Series 63 after using the study materials from Solomon. The practice exam and quizzes were the most amount of help. How the questions are asked really makes a difference. It gets your mind ready for how the exam will phrase the questions. Highly recommend this to anyone taking the Series 6 and/or 63. Great material! Will be returning for the Series 7 in the future.
Joseph DeLoach, WoodmenLife, Eatonton, GA
I just took the Series 63 last week, for the first time. I passed with a grade of 87%. The only study guide I used was your audio book which I listened to on the way to work everyday. I have never worked in the securities industry before, and I had no existing knowledge of anything related to securities law. Everything I know about the subject I learned from your audio book. I will always look to your exam preps for my future test prep needs.
David Laurie, Houston, TX
Thank you so much for your great study materials! I have used you to pass my Series 6, 63 and most recently my Series 7 all on the first try. The practice exams and video lectures were great and extremely helpful. Will definitely be using your study material for any future exams and will recommend you to other people
Louis Orsatti, NY LIFE Securities, Boston, MA
The products and support provided by Solomon Exam Prep was exactly what I needed to pass my Series 63 the first time. The reading materials where actually enjoyable due in part to easy to understand explanations. Unlike most of the competitors offerings which are perfect for insomniacs, these materials are engaging and the test questions are harder than I experienced on the exam. Additionally, the on-line testing simulator is a fabulous addition to the package. Not only do you have an opportunity to take a self paced approach but also as you come to the final days of prep, there is a timed environment that helps you establish a pace that is a real plus on exam day. The real-time support when I had a question or concern was the last extraordinary plus of this packaged solution. I received responses if not in minutes certainly within the day. I recommend these products to all of my associates and to you.
David Vande Casteele,
Managing Director,
John Davenport & Associates LLC
I ordered the Series 63 material on 10/4 and sat for my exam today 10/15 and I passed....the exams are more challenging then the other vendors I used. This cleary helped me pass the exam. I'm about to order the 65 material
David Lewis, White Plains, NY
Thanks! I am thrilled. I took the Series 7 three years ago and have been putting off the Series 63 after I failed the first time. I used your book and iPhone app. I am recommending your materials to everyone in my office that needs to take the 63 in the near future. Of course you can use my email as a testimonial. Everything that people have said on the testimonials is 100% correct. The way the materials are written makes it much less of a chore to read and comprehend. Thanks for the follow up email!
Julia Smith, RBC Wealth Management
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