What are people saying?
I passed the Series 63 yesterday. It's been over 30 years since I took the Bar Exam, so my knowledge of the Blue Sky laws was quite stale. Your "Pass the 63" training guide and exam simulator were godsends. The writing is remarkably clear and concise and delightfully engaging. They made even the most mind-numbingly complicated securities law topic understandable. Invaluable, thank you.
Paul T. Sheils, Newtown, PA
I passed the 63 and 65 the practice questions are much more difficult than the actual exam. I would recommend this program to anyone who needs to be challenged and wants to pass the first time out.
David Lewis, Northwestern Mutual, New York, NY
I relied on the Solomon Exam Prep materials to pass the Series 79 and 63. The materials are first-rate, especially the practice exams, video lectures, and recommended study plans. The staff members (including the owner) were always responsive and helpful. Thank you, Solomon.
Bob Dale, Austin Dale Group, Austin, TX
I have now used Solomon for the SIE, series 6, and 63. I am ordering my 7 materials now. The structure and resources are right on target. The practice exams are more difficult than the exam which makes taking the exam much easier. I give all of the credit to Solomon for my 100% pass rate so far. I recommend Solomon to all of my coworkers.
Alex Coyne, Northwestern Mutual. Pensacola, FL
I took the 6 and 63. I passed the 6 with a 90% and the 63 with an 87%. I used the test simulator for both and it was a tremendous help. I was actually studying using a different book and I wasn't getting enough info. The Test Simulator was key. It threw the questions at me in a different way which was similar to the actual test. I don't think I would have passed without it. THANKS!
Idette Campos, Licensed Personal Banker & Small Business Specialist, JP Morgan Chase, Chula Vista, CA
The material was great and helped me pass the 63. I also used it to study for the 7 and it helped me immensely as well. Thank you!
Brian Lang, Denver, CO
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