What are people saying?
I passed the Series 7 on my first attempt. In fact, five years ago, I also passed both the Series 6 and 63 on my first attempt. In all cases, I used Solomon Exam Prep materials which make sometimes 'dry' topics much more readable. Also, having the option to take an unlimited number of practice tests and receive immediate, thorough feedback was invaluable. I highly recommend them!
Blaine Burnett
I passed my Series 6 and 63 [on the] first try. Test simulator helped a lot. Thanks Solomon Exam Prep.
Vaishali Lad, PNC Investments, Toledo, OH
I just passed the Series 63 after failed in the first attempt as of January. I had studied with another vendor and after some research, I decided to buy Solomon material. I felt very comfortable with the material since English is my second language. And due to the type of the exam, this was very important. It took me time to make the decision for the 2nd attempt but Karen was important to support and she convinced me. I felt very comfortable till question number 20, after that a bit stressful but be sure that you will know the subjects. Thanks Solomon!!!
Ariel Barroso, MCM. Miami, FL
I LOVED your exam books;
passed 6 and 63 with flying colors.
Arthur Bracco,
New York, NY
I passed with flying colors. Made an 83. Your material is awesome. I could not have done it without it. The book is a great start and then the online exam simulator seals the deal. Thanks for all your help...and especially for jumping to my aid over the weekend.
David Latham,
Butler Snow Advisory Services,
Ridgeland, MS
I used Solomon Exam prep for my series 63 and passed the first time with flying colors. I did have a couple questions on the real exam that seemed almost verbatim from their practice tests. The audio books were really helpful since I'm on the go a lot. Her voice was a little obnoxious, but helpful. There was a great mix of test questions for all the practice tests so I wasn't just memorizing the questions, but rather I was memorizing material. I'd use them again for any future test.
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