What are people saying?
Excellent study materials for the Series 63 exam. The practice exams were extremely helpful in my preparation and the exam simulator was a lifesaver as usual in solidifying what I learned (tip: read the answer explanations even if you got the question right). Highly recommend Solomon for the Series 63 exam.
Andrew L.
In preparation for the Series 7, I began with Kaplan. I tested and did not pass. I then switched to STC materials. I tested and did not pass. I then switched to Solomon and passed! I also used Solomon for the 63 and passed the first time.
I highly recommend Solomon's test preparation materials. The question bank was far more extensive than the others and I definitely felt better prepared using Solomon.
Kara S, CLS, Carrollton, TX
The products and support provided by Solomon Exam Prep was exactly what I needed to pass my Series 63 the first time. The reading materials where actually enjoyable due in part to easy to understand explanations. Unlike most of the competitors offerings which are perfect for insomniacs, these materials are engaging and the test questions are harder than I experienced on the exam. Additionally, the on-line testing simulator is a fabulous addition to the package. Not only do you have an opportunity to take a self paced approach but also as you come to the final days of prep, there is a timed environment that helps you establish a pace that is a real plus on exam day. The real-time support when I had a question or concern was the last extraordinary plus of this packaged solution. I received responses if not in minutes certainly within the day. I recommend these products to all of my associates and to you.
David Vande Casteele,
Managing Director,
John Davenport & Associates LLC
I just passed the Series 63 and Series 6. I only have Solomon staff and exam prep material to thank. This has been a very challenging experience.
Please do yourself a favor and buy Solomon Exam Prep materials. It's made me a believer and you will not regret it!
Dwight Lee, FFS, Los Angeles, CA, Series 6 and 63
I thought you might appreciate knowing that I passed the
test with a 90 today. Thanks again for all the help and good quality
material that your company has. I am very glad to have used your
materials and will certainly refer others to Solomon Exam Prep. (Series 6 & 63)
Matthew Baird, Gloversville, NY
I paid for the best package (Series 63 Total Study Package), and it was well worth the money!! Would use it again!
Greg Hensley
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