What are people saying?
Excellent study materials for the Series 63 exam. The practice exams were extremely helpful in my preparation and the exam simulator was a lifesaver as usual in solidifying what I learned (tip: read the answer explanations even if you got the question right). Highly recommend Solomon for the Series 63 exam.
Andrew L.
I just took my SIE, Series 6 and Series 63 exams — I took them all on the same day (would recommend breaking them into separate days if you can, but I had specific work reasons I had to get them done). In any event, I PASSED all 3 exams. I used the Solomon materials and was extremely satisfied. Great study materials, I couldn’t have done it without your help. Thank you!
Glenn M., Detroit, MI
I passed the Series 63 after using the study materials from Solomon. The practice exam and quizzes were the most amount of help. How the questions are asked really makes a difference. It gets your mind ready for how the exam will phrase the questions. Highly recommend this to anyone taking the Series 6 and/or 63. Great material! Will be returning for the Series 7 in the future.
Joseph DeLoach, WoodmenLife, Eatonton, GA
Solomon Exam Prep did it again! I passed the Series 63! Now, I'm 3 for 3 - SIE, S6 & S63 - all first try- thanks to the amazing study material! The practice exams are phenomenal!
Candace Chavez, Cetera Investment Services. Wimberley, TX.
I passed the 63 and 65 the practice questions are much more difficult than the actual exam. I would recommend this program to anyone who needs to be challenged and wants to pass the first time out.
David Lewis, Northwestern Mutual, New York, NY
Thank you Solomon! I was able to pass the SIE, 7, 63 and 24 in a relatively short time period. The practice exams with answers really helped and when I had a question for The Professor, I always received a quick and accurate response. Solomon is definitely the way to go.
Seth Schader, CCO, Mercer Island, WA
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