What are people saying?
Excellent study materials for the Series 63 exam. The practice exams were extremely helpful in my preparation and the exam simulator was a lifesaver as usual in solidifying what I learned (tip: read the answer explanations even if you got the question right). Highly recommend Solomon for the Series 63 exam.
Andrew L.
Thanks! I am thrilled. I took the Series 7 three years ago and have been putting off the Series 63 after I failed the first time. I used your book and iPhone app. I am recommending your materials to everyone in my office that needs to take the 63 in the near future. Of course you can use my email as a testimonial. Everything that people have said on the testimonials is 100% correct. The way the materials are written makes it much less of a chore to read and comprehend. Thanks for the follow up email!
Julia Smith, RBC Wealth Management
Solomon has been the gold standard for our team for studying and passing! The information was presented clearly and everyday language. I did take the series 6 twice, due to testing anxiety, but I passed the 6 with 73%. I took my 63 one month later, and passed with 82% !!
Ciarra DiPiazza, CB Financial Services, Tacoma, WA
Solomon was my ticket to a passing grade the first time on both exams [Series 79 and Series 63]!
Laura Bumgarner,
Houston, Texas
I passed it (Series 63) yesterday, thanks
for all the help, I couldn't have done it without Solomon.
Brandon Neff, Houston, TX
Stick to the plan and pass! 4 times in a row, 7, 63, 24 and now 79. You can't beat the Solomon materials.
Eric Altmann
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